
paia bay coffee | the best coffee shop on Maui

ok, I’m letting you guys in on a secret. the best coffee shop on Maui: paia bay coffee.

a hidden oasis in the heart of paia town, you can find an eclectic community gathering to enjoy espresso and amazing food. I love the outdoor patio — the garden they’ve created makes you feel like you’re in a lush jungle. surfers, artists, yogis, families, all are welcome and hangin’ at this spot. vegan and gluten-free options available… boom!

maui photographer cadencia photography photographs paia bay coffee on Maui. best coffee shop on Maui, Paia Bay Coffee.best coffee on Maui paia-bay-coffee-9011best breakfast in Paia, Maui. paia bay coffee shop located in Maui paia-bay-coffee-7839food at paia bay coffee in paia, maui. cadencia photography and paia bay coffee.
happy caffeination!
paia bay coffee on facebook, instagram, and yelp.
what do you love about paia bay coffee? comment below! 

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