tropical moms | jayne & boulder
name: Jayne Schorr, almost 30!
kid, age: Boulder aka Bo Sid, 16 months
where do you live on Maui: On a beautiful piece of land, up in Haiku.
occupation: Full time mother, aspiring yogini, student of Life.
what are you passionate about: Thanks for asking. I am proud to announce that I have just started to get a glimpse into the complexity of my passion-seeking and forth-setting. I am passionate about laughter, true love, genuine self-expression, creativity, the unknown, the known, and encouraging others to see the wisdom in both structure and the collapse thereof. I am passionate about family, the ocean, the mountains, rivers, farming, rhythms and cycles, and healthy outlets of energy and regeneration.
why did you choose to raise your children on Maui: To give one particular answer would not be the whole story. And, I’m not so sure I chose to raise my son and potential future babies here. I think Maui chose to raise us here. Life has never felt so profound until living on Maui. I was pulled here by an undeniable magnetic-like force, and with grace on my side, settled in quite nicely.
what is the best part about being a momma: The best part of motherhood is in realizing that my son is my teacher, and we are growing together.
what’s your favorite thing to do as a family: By far, the activity that brings our family most joy, is to swap out surfing with my honey while Bo plays on the beach. Then, we rendezvous for an intimate sunset admiration moment to reflect on the day and express how much we love one another.
how did being a mom change you: Sleep deprivation can really do a number on a human being. I appreciate sleeping so much more now. I am becoming more conscious of details indicating a shift in behavior and energy. I am training myself to slow down and address the subtleties in each other.
I am designing a schedule that allows Bo, I, and my husband to get most of our individual needs met, meanwhile creating a wholesome family dynamic to foster each other’s passions.
what is one thing you want to teach your children? I want Boulder to know how to Love willingly, embrace vulnerability, use discernment, and to become genuinely who he dreams of becoming.
tropical mom’s is an ongoing series of Maui family photography,
and an inside peak into our featured momma’s world.
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