tropical moms | jenna, carter & paige
name: Jenna Strubhar
kids, age: Carter, 4 & Paige 20 months
where do you live on Maui: Kihei
occupation: Mom & Photographer
what are you passionate about: I’m passionate about loving God & loving people, living life to the fullest, finding joy in the ordinary, living simply, health, adventuring with my family, and using our time & resources to bless others.
why did you choose to raise your children on Maui: Sunshine & community! We wanted to raise our children outdoors in the sunshine and in the water. And the community here is unlike anything else we’ve ever experienced or heard of before. Even though our kids don’t have grandparents here we are surrounded by aunties and uncles and tutus that love and support our family.
what is the best part about being a mom: I never expected my children to teach me as much as they do. The unique gifts and personalities they came with feel like my own little treasure to discover with each new age and stage. They make me want to be a better person, to be more patient and gracious, to choose my words more carefully. The snuggles, sloppy kisses, and giggles are pretty fantastic too!
what has been challenging since becoming a mom: The most challenging (and also wonderful) thing was having to lay down my unattainable desire for perfection. Kids have a way of humbling us in the very best way. I will never be a perfect mom with a perfect home and perfectly behaved children and that’s ok. I’ve learned to embrace the beauty in the mess.
what’s your favorite thing to do as a family: Really just anything together. We love spending time all together so so much that even a trip to the grocery store can turn into a “family date.” We love exploring this beautiful island – upcountry, the beach, sunset picnics.
how did being a mom change you: Being a mom has made me an crunchy information junky. If you would have told me 10 years ago that one day I would be passionate about healthy eating, how much trash I produce, natural health and finding the best homemade toothpaste recipe I would have laughed in your face. These little people make me want to know what I’m putting into their precious little bodies and what I’m surrounding them with. Being a mom has also given me a new sense of joy and wonderment as I get to see the world through their eyes. It’s the best.
what are your favorite forms of self-care: I’m a classic introvert so alone time and deep conversation recharge me. I am so thankful to have a husband who regularly sets aside time for me to get pupus with a girlfriend at the Andaz or just sit in the sunshine for a few hours with a good book. We have quickly learned that when we care for ourselves we come home recharged and ready to be better spouses and parents.
any tips for time management: I think finding a balance for time management looks unique for each family. We regularly sit down with our calendar and make sure we set aside time for dates, personal time, family time, etc.
how do you balance your passions and motherhood: My passions and motherhood go hand-in-hand and I want my kids to see their mama always learning and chasing after her dreams. My passions didn’t die when I became a mom. On the contrary, my children motivate me and inspire me even more. I love getting to involve my children in my passions.
any advice to the moms and future moms: My advice to new moms would be to choose thankfulness and simplicity. Not overwhelming yourself with to-do lists and expectations and focusing on just being with your new little baby and caring for their needs is wonderfully freeing. And choosing thankfulness for all the little moments really just sets your whole perspective in a better place to really get to enjoy the new day-to-day with your baby.
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