maui school garden network | community work day | local food movement

the Kula greenhouse I used to volunteer at a few years back had been dormant and was overgrown — and some love was needed to revitalize it. Maui family rallied — we had 40+ come out for a community work day for the the Maui School Garden Network. everyone plays a part in making their local community thrive, and with all the hands and support, we got the space ready for a weekly volunteer crew.

join in every saturday after you go to upcountry farmers market, people will be at the greenhouse from 9-12pm. support the local food movement. this greenhouse provides maui schools with plant starts!

next initiative — to get the Ka Hale A Ke Ola Homeless Shelter garden back up and running. from one of my biggest inspirations, Rebekah Uccellini: “The gardens for the communities at need like the community garden at the Homeless shelter does not have support any could really use some love and energy. It’s one of the few safe, inspiring spaces that these families have, and often their only access to organic local produce. The garden also serves as an access hub to resources that are so greatly needed (counseling, mentorship, access to the arts, entrepreneurship trainings, music, and afterschool support for their children).”

would love to connect with others on this – and organize a community work day at the shelter in february/march.

volunteer in maui, hawaii working in the garden to help our local food movement maui school garden network volunteer day on Maui.maui school garden network volunteer day on Maui. volunteer in the garden in maui, hawaii to benefit the schools and homeless sheltermaui school garden network volunteervolunteer in the garden in maui, hawaii to benefit the schools and homeless shelter maui school garden network volunteer day on Maui.volunteer in the garden in maui, hawaii to benefit the schools and homeless shelter chris hoyte - volunteer in the garden in maui, hawaii to benefit the schools and homeless shelter volunteer in the garden in maui, hawaii to benefit the schools and homeless sheltermaui school garden network volunteer day on Maui. volunteer in the garden in maui, hawaii to benefit the schools and homeless shelter volunteer in the garden in maui, hawaii to benefit the schools and homeless sheltervolunteer in the garden in maui, hawaii to benefit the schools and homeless shelter

thank you to everyone who organized such a successful day for our keiki and island!cadencia photography says thank you!

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