tropical moms | amy, chloe & maya

tropical moms, maui family photography by cadencia

name: Amy Adams
kids, ages: Chloe Kalena Adams 8 years old, Maya Ululani Covarrubias 3 years old
where do you live on Maui: 
occupation: I work as a pizza slinger at Flatbread Co. Paia and I am currently going to school at University Of Hawaii.

maui mother daughter photographymaui family photos
what are you passionate about:
 I am passionate about life! Living each day to the fullest and being as happy as possible as often as possible. Also, spreading happiness and love to other people.

family photography in Paia, Maui  - family photography in Paia, Maui  - family photography in Paia, Maui  -

why did you choose to raise your children on Maui: I chose to raise my children on Maui because there is no where else I have experienced such support and love. The Maui Ohana is so powerful it overwhelms me at times. It can be hard to be without immediate family around, but living here you have the same sense of family that you would living in your hometown. Plus, the beaches are pretty nice!

family photography in Paia, Maui  - cadenciaphotography.commaui motherhood maui family photos

what is the best part about being a momma: The best part of being a momma is learning from my girls. They teach me something every day. They are the cutest constant reminders to not take life to seriously and live carefree. It’s easy to get tied up in the day to day, stress out about an upcoming exam, worry that you won’t be able to make a car payment, but at the end of the day we have each other and it’s a beautiful thing!

family photography in Paia, Maui  - cadenciaphotography.comfamily photography in Paia, Maui  - amy-tropical-moms-8474 childrens photography in Paia, Maui amy adams on tropical moms family photography in Paia, Maui  - family photography in Paia, Maui  - family photography in Paia, Maui  -

what’s your favorite thing to do as a family:  Our favorite thing to do other than the beach of course, is story time around the dinner table. We each take turns telling stories about something that happened in the day or something that happened years ago.

how did being a mom change you:  Honestly it hasn’t changed me much. It definelty accelerated the growing up process but other than that I have tried to remain true to who I would be without children as I am constantly growing like them. We are taking this journey together and I love it.

what is one thing you want to teach your children:  One thing I teach my children comes from the answer to the previous question. Be true to yourself! You will attract the people that are meant to be in your life if you live this way. Doing so of course, with love on the mind! 

family at ho'okipa childrens photography in Paia, Maui  - cadenciaphotography.comfamily photography in Paia, Maui  - cadenciaphotography.comfamily photography in Paia, Maui  -

tropical moms is an ongoing series of Maui family photos and interviews
get an inside peak into a featured maui momma’s world
get more of your tropical mom fix on here



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