tropical moms | kate, dylan, and eli | maui mama magazine

tropical moms, maui family photography by cadencia

name: Kate Griffiths
kids: Dylan James and Eli-Shai, age:8 & 6
where do you live on Maui: Haiku (in the Moku of Hamakualoa, in lower Ulumalu).

kate of maui mama magazine and her son in haiku, maui. maui mom

what do you do besides being a mom: I create and publish The Mauimama, a free conscious resource guide primarily for pregnant mothers and parents of young children and soon to be launched I also spend time helping different community projects, volunteering in Eli’s kindergarten class, creating music, local environmental activism, hanging with friends and I am apart of the eskyflavor team. I also surf, dive or paint if the stars are aligned;)

what are you passionate about: Living life to the fullest, helping others, justice, the environment, creating & singing and being a mother!

kate of maui mama magazine and her son in haiku, maui. maui mom Kate, founder of the Maui Mama Magazine

why did you choose to raise your children on Maui: When I first arrived here and got off the plane I knew that I was home. I had come here by myself for a three month adventure before my final year of college. The tropical scent was somehow familiar and way the air felt on my skin awakened a deep memory in my bones. Hana clinched the deal. I returned to London, graduated and flew back the day after my graduation ceremony. I then backpacked around the world for four years, keeping Maui as a home base. I never found a land I resonated with more than this island and its spirit of Aloha. I have lived here now for eighteen years, so to live here and have a family was the natural flow. To me, anyone who has the opportunity to be born and raised here is so very blessed.

what is the best part about being a momma: Experiencing joy on a regular basis. I get so much delight from my boys. When I see Dylan’s excitement after catching a great wave or hear him create beautiful music on his piano, or do something kind for his brother it makes my heart glow. I get so much happiness from witnessing Eli in total moments of childhood enjoyment and melt when he earnestly says, “Thank you mommy” or, “I love you mommy” out of the blue. It’s very uplifting.

what’s your favorite thing to do as a family on Maui: I think my favorite thing to do is snuggle in bed together on a Saturday morning.

how did being a mom change you: I’m sure it has changed me in many ways. Parenting can be such a great accelerator of personal growth and reflection – I have definitely grown. I now give way more back to my community, trying to make it a better place for my children and have more empathy for others. Giving birth was also very empowering, which in turn then powerfully charged my occupation and my singing. My relationship with time has also changed dramatically. What I do with my time now is very valuable, sometimes I think time is my greatest luxury.

raising kids in Hawaii

what are you trying to teach your children: To enjoy and appreciate life, and live it to the fullest with love, kindness and laughter. I try and live by example that we have the ability to create our lives and while even in adversity there is opportunity for learning, growth and fulfillment. In our house I teach my sons, among other things, the three virtues: compassion, honor and integrity. My little (knights) are learning that if they consider these three qualities when doing something or making a decision it will hopefully steer them in the right direction. But ultimately I teach them that they are love, which is all you really need.

Oh, and that sometimes you just need to figure out how to be smarter than the problem.

maui mom kate is featured on tropical moms. Maui Momma Magazine founder Kate is featured on tropical moms.

what are your favorite forms of self-care: To take time out just for me. I am very comfortable being by myself, something that rarely happens now after having children. I try and eat as well as possible, use my friend’s amazing mana sol product on my skin and my other friend’s amazing Sol Botanical sandalwood oil on my wrists and temples. I recently started attending a great Kettle Bells class with Tree and try and remember to drink lots of water. I also enjoy taking long baths with essential oils and swimming in the ocean. However, I guess singing is my ultimate medicine and release.

advice to the moms and future moms: Don’t be too hard on yourself. Trust the natural flow and your intuition, and always try and keep your heart open and breath deep when necessary. A wise mother knows the One Consciousness works through her (To a of Motherhood) – a wise mother knows this is love.

I also find that reminding myself that gratitude is the best attitude always helps.

tropical moms is an ongoing series on Maui motherhood
get an inside peak into a featured maui momma’s world
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