
tropical moms | kamalani pahukoa | keanae, maui

tropical moms, maui family photography by cadencia
along with capturing unique and genuine family connection through photography, Tropical Moms interviews inspiring leaderslearning more out about their experiences, challenges, and passions.

 the next generation is everything, we are raising our ohana with love.

name: Mary Ann Kamalani Pahukoa
kids, age: Meleana, 3; Mahina 1
where do you live on Maui?: Keʻanae & Makawao

Keanae Congregational Church located on the peninsula, keanae peninsula mama Kamalani shares on tropical moms, a series on Maui motherhood with interviews and family photography. kamalani-family kamalani-familykeanae peninsula mama Kamalani shares on tropical moms, a series on Maui motherhood with interviews and family photography.tropical moms is a series on maui motherhood with beautiful family photography and interviews. keanae peninsula mama Kamalani shares on tropical moms, a series on Maui motherhood with interviews and family photography. kamalani in the taro patches.
what’s daily life like in Kenae?:  life is simple on the Eastside. The hawaiian way of life is very much alive in these valleys. We always base our days around the weather, high & low tides, and the rainfall. If the mountains have been raining, we do not play in our streams. If the tides are right we get to swim while daddy goes holoholo (fishing) in our backyard.

taro patches in keanae, maui, hawaii. keanae peninsula mama Kamalani shares on tropical moms, a series on Maui motherhood with interviews and family photography. kamalani in the taro patches. keanae peninsula mama Kamalani shares on tropical moms, a series on Maui motherhood with interviews and family photography. kamalani in the taro patches. tropical moms is a series on maui motherhood with beautiful family photography and interviews.
what is currently going on with the East Maui streams?: After 120 years of my great grandfather & my community fighting with the eminent Alexander & Baldwin Corp., over diverted East Maui streams, A&B has finally released 8 streams this year (2016), AFTER they passed a water bill protecting their (invalid) permits to continue diverting streams for their profit. The eight streams released fall within the valleys of Wailua Nui & Ke’anae peninsula. We are still fighting for the release of the remaining 12 streams, while working on producing a new “in stream standard flow” based off of scientific data collections of East Maui streams biodiversity & ecosystems.

how can the community get involved?: We have a new hui (group) that will focus strictly on stream restoration & data collection. We will be working with scientists, & students, while giving community members an opportunity to participate. Data collections will begin in December 2016. Visit our website eastmauiwaterstudy.org for more info.

tropical moms is a series on maui motherhood with beautiful family photography and interviews.tropical moms is a series on maui motherhood with beautiful family photography and interviews. tropical moms is a series on maui motherhood with beautiful family photography and interviews. taro patches in keanae, maui, hawaii.
what is the best part about being a mom?: Learning the act of patience has been my greatest accomplishment. Our days are slow in Keʻanae & usually consists of feeding baby goats, opening coconuts, harvesting fruits & flowers, visiting the aunties at the fruitstand for a smoothie, & swimming in a bucket, stream, or kahakai (ocean).

what has been challenging since raising a family?: My kāne (man) works in the field of Conservation, traveling to Hawaiʻis most secluded & pristine mountain tops, camping for 5 days, every other week. His absence has been challenging, but has only made me stronger. (& we are so proud of his hard work for our ʻāina) We are both working towards our Bachelorʻs Degree while involved in many community based projects. Slowing down the hustle since my baby girls has always been challenging, however, I quickly remind myself, my most important matters are raising my girls to be strong, powerful, healthy young women.

keanae peninsula mama Kamalani shares on tropical moms, a series on Maui motherhood with interviews and family photography. kamalani in the taro patches. tropical moms is a series on maui motherhood with beautiful family photography and interviews. tropical moms is a series on maui motherhood with beautiful family photography and interviews. keanae peninsula mama Kamalani shares on tropical moms, a series on Maui motherhood with interviews and family photography.
how did being a mom change you?: Iʻve become more intune to our gardens, pumping up the volume of homegrown foods, slowing working towards expanding our kalo patches. As a mother, I am always interested in projects & volunteer work for the betterment of our keiki. Whether its a playground, charter school, or after school programs, I am always trying to rally other mamas together to learn & share ideas on how we can move forward with kids activities.

advice to families and future moms?: Breathe deep breathes, love your partner, & always stay strong in your mind, body, & spirit for your keiki.

tropical moms is a series on maui motherhood with beautiful family photography and interviews.keanae peninsula mama Kamalani shares on tropical moms, a series on Maui motherhood with interviews and family photography. life-on-keanae-peninsula-mauikeanae maui - interview with kamalani, maui mom with family photography.

aloha from cadencia photography
tropical moms is an ongoing series on Maui motherhood.
using family photography + interviews to get an inside peak
into a momma’s world living on the island.
get more of your tropical mom fix on here.

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